Longarming Introduction
We have the following documents to assist you. Select what is important to you:
Price Considerations
The above brochure covers preparation and pricing. Our pricing price includes longarming, one of our 60 solid threads, and Quilers' Dream Poly Request batting. Backing and upgraded battings or the use of variegated thread are extra. Mail-In quilts from over 60 miles away receive a 10% discount on longarming services. All mail-in quilts from over 60 miles and combined longarming costs of over $75 receive free UPS return shipping.
Also covered in our pamphlet is our "Quick Quilter" program. This program provides you with a 10% discount on longarming services for every quilt you submit that ends in a five, and a 20% discount for every quilt you submit that ends in a zero. For example: the 5th, 15th, ... quilts get 10% discount on longarming services while the 10th, 20th,... quilts receive a 20% discount. Our automated check-in system automatically tracks the number of quilts submitted in total and for the individual. Upon check-in, where you present your quilt materials, the quilt number is assigned, and we provide you with a sheet explaining the proposed work and costs.
We have invested in emails that included items that Ruth had covered in presentations to improve quilters’ success in longarming services. We augmented those with more since that time. All together there are 30 emails addressing getting the most out of you longarming dollar. We combined those emails into a flip-book that can be seen below, It also can be downloaded from the toolbar, also below. To view the flip-book, simply place you cursor over the right arrow and page through the book. At the Table of Contents you can click on the topic and go directly to it. Note that the print is too small, so use the expanding arrors below the flip-book to make the whole flip-book screen sized, and, readable. To return to the normal, small size, simply press escape [Esc].
Forever In Stitches' Longarm Studio